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Bagen Law Blog

Bus Accident FAQ

Posted by Steven A. Bagen

Feb 10, 2020 11:15:00 AM

People riding busBuses and other public transportation vehicles end up in accidents more often than you’d think. What bus passengers may not realize is that they could be entitled to compensation if they are involved in an accident.

If you ride buses or other public transportation, read over this quick FAQ. It will help you understand what to do in the wake of an accident, and when you should seek compensation for your injuries. You should always discuss your options with a personal injury attorney, such as Steven A. Bagen & Associates.

Who is Liable in a Bus Accident?

While it seems obvious that the bus driver would likely be at fault for a public transportation accident, that is not always the case. Other liable parties can include:

  • The bus manufacturer
  • The maintenance company responsible for the buses
  • The company operating the bus
  • Other motorists
  • Other passengers on the bus
  • The government agency in charge of road maintenance and design
  • The government agency in charge of public transportation

Can I Receive Compensation?

This depends on whether the negligence of another person caused the accident. Negligence refers to a person failing to take the degree of caution another reasonable person would under the same circumstances. Examples of this are:

  • Distracted or impaired driving
  • Following too closely behind the vehicle in front of them
  • Not yielding when directed
  • A failure to take adverse weather conditions into account
  • Inadequately maintaining a roadway
  • Employing unqualified drivers
  • Speeding

What Should I Do if I Am In A Bus Accident?

One of the most important things you can do if you are a victim in a bus accident is to protect your rights. Take these steps to increase your chances of receiving compensation:

  • Remain at the scene of the accident, unless you are too injured and require immediate medical attention.
  • Document information about the accident. Take pictures, gather names, and jot down your initial impressions.
  • Even if the emergency responders clear you to go home, seek medical attention. This will provide important documentation regarding your injuries that can be used later.
  • Keep a log of how your injuries affect you each day.
  • Do not accept any offers of settlement without consulting a personal injury lawyer. Settlements are not often the best possible deal you could receive.

Contact Steve A. Bagen & Associates After a Bus Accident

It can be difficult to know how to approach a large and complicated situation such as receiving compensation after a public transportation accident. Steven A. Bagen & Associates can help you determine what to do. Contact us today!

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